Not ready yet?

What is stopping you from going to therapy?

My finances are tight right now or I don't think my insurance will cover therapy.

That is okay. I understand that money is one of those things that sometimes gets in the way of getting the help we need. Thankfully, there are options for therapy services that can work for you if money is tight. Many agencies and practices offer a "low cost" option for those who need it. Your relationship is worth the effort! The Minnesota Couples Therapy Center has interns (who are supervised) who can offer that exact service. Use this link and then use the orange "Find a Therapist" button at the top of the screen.

I have tried talking to my partner about going to therapy, but they are not interested.

This is a very common situation. Maybe your partner doesn't think there is a problem or they are just too occupied in their schedule. Whatever the reason, it can feel defeating to hear that your partner doesn't want to go to therapy. Your relationship is important to you and you can do something about it. Individual therapy is an option, even for relational issues. You can make positive changes in your way of relating to your partner and change your relationship. Let me know if you are interested in this type of individual therapy.

I am afraid of what therapy will be like and what will come out if we do go.

Fear is a normal emotion. Fearing therapy is normal because you care about the person you are with and you don't want what you do have to be lost. But at the same time, what you do have can be painful and is so difficult everyday. Only you and your partner can decide if you want your relationship to be different than it currently is. Therapy is the doorway for a change in your relationship. There are risks associated with couples therapy. As emotions come out, and information is revealed, it can be scary and painful. I do my very best to create an environment of safety so you can have positive emotional changes in session.

Going to therapy feels like the last straw, is there anything we can do before doing that?

Yes! I know therapy can feel like a big step. If a workshop with your partner and other couples sounds like it is more approachable, I recommend the Hold me Tight workshop. If that also feels too big, I recommend the Hold me Tight book by Sue Johnson. Let me know if you need some more direction.

I've never been to therapy, what is it like and is this guy going to be a good fit for me and my partner?

Therapy is a unique experience. It is a little like going to a doctor for a checkup about your health, but it is about your relationship and I am going to be super invested and curious about you and your partner. Then imagine the doctor asking you do some exercises and stretches for 50 minutes. When you do the stretch, the doctor helps you extend yourself just a little farther, so you can be more flexible. Sometimes, the visit makes you sore, other times you feel great. Therapy can be like that too. I help you stretch your emotional capacity within the relationship and sometimes it feels great, and other times it is incredibly painful.

Determining if I am a good fit for you and your partner is a complicated question. Most therapists are good enough to be a good fit for most people. Ultimately, it takes a few visits to feel out if me and the type of therapy I do will be right for you and your partner.

Our schedule is crazy and we won't be able to be to attend regularly.

I get it. I really do. My schedule to see clients doesn't change much but I do see clients at varying frequencies. Some couples are weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly. Let me know what you are looking for and I will see what I can do.

Contact Me

If there is another reason that you don't feel ready to attend therapy that isn't listed here, please email me and let me know what is stopping you. I will do my best to assist you in finding a solution that works for you and your partner.

The best way to contact me is through email! My email is

If you would rather talk over the phone, you can reach me at: 612-447-4140

I will do my best to answer all of your questions about therapy. If I don't have the answer you need, I will find someone who does.